Men's Weekend #50

October 3-6, 2024

"Finish The Race"

Rector - Ned Wright

Verse: Phil. 3:13b-14 NLT

"Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us."


Weekend Song:
Faithfully - Toby Mac


Life is hard.  Jesus said we will have many trials and sorrows but to take heart, because He has overcome the world.  Success is getting up one more time than you have fallen.  We as men are wired with an “I must win” mentality and when we don’t after trying repeatedly it is easy for us to stop trying.  The Bible is very clear that we are not asked or even required to win the race but to finish the race.  In our lives there are races within races with the greatest being crossing the finish line and hearing, “Well done good and faithful servant.”  Others we have been called to run and finish are raising well rounded children, being faithful in our vocations, honoring our marriage vows, staying committed to our sobriety along with countless others.


Over 25 years ago men and women from North Florida and Georgia founded Tamp Bay Tres Dias and the race to build up and encourage Christian leaders continues as we plan The TBTD #50 weekend!  Will you prayerfully consider serving with me?  I believe this weekend will be one to encourage the team and candidate alike to Finish the Race.  This will be a weekend to pick us up, heal our wounds and remind us to forget the past, look to what lies ahead and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.


Ned Wright

TBTD #4 Table of Mark

Rector, The TBTD #50

Women's Weekend #50

October 10-13, 2024

In His Presence

Rector - Mandy Morreale

Verse: Psalm 139:5 (Passion Translation)

“You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way, and in kindness you follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past.  You have laid your hand on me!”


Weekend Song:
Keep Making Me - Sidewalk Prophets


Being in His presence is a physical step that we take to spend time with our good Father, being with Him not only as a Father but also as a Friend. As we spend time with Him, and continue on our piety journey, that closeness turns into a desire for him to keep making us, molding us, holding us, and comforting us.  As the song says, “make me broken so I can be healed,” “make me empty so I can be filled, and “make me lonely so I can be yours, til I want no one, more than you Lord,” being in His presence gives space and time to walk out our surrender to His will.


There is a safety of knowing that as we commune with God and walk out the pain and the hurt, that He is right there with us. He is beside us, behind us, before us, within us, all around us.  We are protected into our future and we are spared from the harm of our past.  His loving and good hand is on us.


I am excited to walk out this theme with the team and candidates of weekend #50, and I hope that you will prayerfully consider coming along with me on this Piety journey.

In His love,

Mandy Morreale

Rector, TBTD #50


Tampa Bay Tres Dias Campground

Camp Sonshine Church of God of Prophecy

24165 Dan Brown Hill Road

Brooksville, FL 34602

If God is calling you to serve on the upcoming weekends, we encourage you to visit the Tampa Bay Tres Dias Portal and sign up. We look forward to hearing from you! God bless!